Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Jade is TWELVE

We kicked off Jade's birthday celebrations with a pink themed family party. On the menu was Jade's choice of baked mostaccioli, Dominos pizza and fruit!

Thank you Baum Family!

The birthday girl had to go to school on her birthday, but was super surprised to find her locker decorated by her friends along with a lot of super sweet gifts! Donuts for breakfast helped a little, too. 

Jade opened her presents from us before having to go to soccer practice! Also included in her gifts (but not pictured) will be some much needed bedroom upgrades!

Chic-Fil-A for dinner after soccer practice and Dairy Queen ice cream cake for dessert rounded out the day!

Happy 12th Birthday, Jadey Bug. Thank you for making it so easy on me so far through these pre-teen years. I'm so proud of you and how mature, responsible and helpful you are. You're a great friend and an even better daughter! Can't wait to see what big things you do this year!

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