Tuesday, April 30, 2024

April Things

 April was a super fun month for Nate and I. Here are a few things we were up to!

We went to see Morgan Wallen in Indianapolis with our good friends Dave and Katie. We had the best little road trip and so much fun with them!

We traded in my black 2015 Jeep Wrangler for a brand new 2024 Jeep Wrangler! We were continuing to experience issue after issue with the old jeep, so we knew it was time to say goodbye (although it was very hard for me).

Since bringing it home, it's gotten some upgraded wheels! :)

Jemma's Girl Scout troop did an event at the Apple store where they learned about coding!

Jade's soccer team participated in an out of town tournament in Wisconsin Dells. The team got to stay at the Kalahari resort, so in addition to soccer the girls had so much fun at the waterpark and arcade! Unfortunately, Nate and I were leaving that weekend for our trip to Costa Rica (separate post to follow) so we were unable to be there for the tournament. I brought Jade up there on Friday night where we met up with Grammy and Grampy who facilitated both girls the entire weekend! We're SO beyond thankful for them and their willingness to do this. 

The girls made it to the championship game, but couldn't quite pull out the win!

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