Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Jemma - One Month

The past month has absolutely flown by! We are loving this little girl and the joy she has brought to our family! Jemma is pretty easy going. She loves to be held and looked at. She does not love her pacifier which is a big switch from her big sister, instead she loves to grab my hair for comfort when I'm holding her. She is starting to figure out her days and nights and has slept for 6ish hour stretches the last two nights and has been awake a lot more during the day! Her one month checkup will be combined with Jade's 2.5 year well check next week, so stay tuned for her stats! :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Jemma's Room

I just realized I never posted any pictures of Jemma's room! I'm really happy with how it turned out! Very simple, sweet and purple! :)

Friday, September 19, 2014

Newborn Pictures

Just wanted to share a few pictures from Jemma's newborn session that was done by Bella Baby at the hospital. It just so happened to work out that Jade was coming for a visit at the same time the photographer was there, so we got some sweet sister pictures too! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My Girls

I've really been enjoying my time home during the day with the girls! We are starting to fall into a bit of a routine which has been nice! Jemma is finally starting to have more awake time during the day and loves to be held. Jade has become much more of an independent player. I enjoy my alone time with Jade in the mornings before Jemma gets up and my alone time with Jemma while Jade is napping!

Early morning sillies with my big girl!

Enjoying playing outside before it gets too cold!

Talking to me about the velcro on her shoes!

Love her!

Our time together often looks a lot like this!

Snoozin' with momma!

After her first bath!

Wide awake!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Home Sweet Home

We were discharged from the hospital on the Monday morning following the birth, and boy were we ready to get home! I missed Jade so much and couldn't wait to start functioning as a family of four! I'm so thankful for my parents and all they did for both Jade and us while we were in the hospital. Coming home to a clean house with a stocked pantry and fridge, meals in the freezer and a super happy and well taken care of 2 year old felt amazing!

First time in the car seat! 

So peaceful!

Ready to go home!

Here are a few pictures from our first week at home! Jemma spends most of her time eating, sleeping or pooping. Jade gets pretty excited when she is actually awake!

So far, Jemma enjoys her swing and will nap in it.

Sissy, wake up!

Sweet sleepy smile!

Deep in thought!

Sweet dreamin'!

Eyes are open!

So far, things are going pretty well at home. Nate was off all last week, which was great to help get adjusted. Jemma has proven to be a pretty easy going! Her main fussy time is between 8 and 9:30 p.m. She usually will go down for bed shortly after her 9:30 feeding and will usually sleep until 2:00/2:30 ish! She typically will go back to sleep pretty easily until about 5:30/6:00 a.m. 

Jade is doing amazing! She hasn't seemed jealous at all, she brings me things for Jemma when I ask for her help and her voluntarily kisses are so sweet! She is generally very concerned about where sissy is and doesn't seem to be phased by her crying. 

Reading library books with daddy!

 Blue dresses (Cinderella too)!

 My big girl!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Jade meets Jemma

Just wanted to share a few pictures of Jade meeting Jemma for the first time.  She was so sweet with her. Gave her lots of kisses, brought her presents and held her with the help of daddy!

Hi Sissy!

I'm a big sister!

Sisters! <3

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Jemma Rose

Jemma's birth story started super similar to Jade's. I had my 39 week checkup on Thursday and found out I was only dilated half a cm. My doctor said I should enjoy my Labor Day weekend as it would be unlikely that I would be having a baby then. I was pretty bummed out, so I resorted to what I believed to have brought on my labor with Jade, and I bounced on a yoga ball later that evening. 

Late Friday afternoon, I started feeling like things might be happening, but figured it was probably just in my head. Turns out, it wasn't in my head and it was actually my first sings of labor. By 10:00 p.m. my contractions were coming regularly about 7 minutes apart. By 1:00 a.m. they started coming about every 3-4 minutes and were increasing in strength. After my long labor experience last time, I was afraid this was a false alarm and was hesitant to call the doctor. After some convincing from my mom, around 1:30 a.m. I decided to call her, and she told me to head to the hospital. However, I still had to wait for Nate to get home from work and my mom to get to our house to stay with Jade! Finally, just after 3:00 a.m. we were in route to the hospital. 

We arrived at the hospital and made it up to the labor and delivery floor pretty quickly. Luckily it was a slow night so I has able to have several nurses working quickly to get me all set up as I was already 6-7 cm dilated and my contractions were coming every 1-2 minutes. The next two hours may have been the longest, most painful hours of my life. There were several things that needed to get into my system before I could get an epidural. Finally, I was able to relax and get some rest prior to Jemma's arrival. Around 8:00 a.m. I was at 9-9.5 cm and a short hour later, Jemma was born after three contractions of pushes! 

Birth Stats:
Date: 8/30/14
Time: 9:03 a.m.

Weight: 7 pounds 14 ounces
Length: 20.5 inches

Love at first sight!

 Holding Daddy's finger!

 Cute girl version of the standard hospital hat!

Mommy and Jemma!


Sweet girl!

Praise God for a fast delivery and a healthy baby!