Monday, July 30, 2012

Another "New Trick"

I can't believe all the new things my little princess is doing these days! Jade rolled over from her back to her tummy all by herself for the first time today! Here is a little video of her newest accomplishment! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jade's "New Trick"

Jade had been showing a considerable amount of leg strength lately, so we have been letting her try to stand up on her own while holding on to the couch. We were able to catch a little clip of her "new trick" last night!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Jade's Baptism

I have finally collected enough photos to make my post about Jade's Baptism on July 1st! Thanks to Mom, Grandma, and Alison for capturing the day so beautifully!

The proud parents

Jade's Aunt and Godmother

 So special that GeeGee was able to make it! 

 The cooperative cousin, Rowan :)

Godparents (minus Roger)

 We chose Jeremiah 29: 11-13 for Jade's life verse

Reading Jade our prayer for her

 Being Baptized

All done
After the Baptism we had everyone over to our house for a cookout and cake! We had about 25 friends and family attend! This was by far the most people we have ever had over to our house at one time! We grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and had a variety of chips and a Chopped Salad from Portillos!
Jade's party outfit

Just hanging out

With Grammy and Grampy

A delicious Jewel Bakery cake

I was so excited for Jade to wear the same Baptism dress that my sister and I wore! Here is a picture of me in it and a picture of Jade in it! :)


Monday, July 9, 2012

3 months

Jade Marie is 3 months old!!!
 Jade does not go back to the doctor for another month so we took her weight on Grammy's baby scale and measured her length with a tape measure! She weighed in at 13 lbs 12 oz and measured 25 inches long!

  Jade's current routine has her going to bed around 8:30 p.m. and waking up between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. She takes 5-6 oz bottles every 3.5 hours. She loves bright colors and lights and snuggling with her soothie (security blanket). She continually follows people with her eyes and is always checking out what is going on!

 During her third month of life Jade took her first trip out of the State (to the Wisconsin Dells for my extended family reunion), she got to meet her Uncle and Cousins, she was baptized, she holds toys and brings them to her mouth and she laughed for the first time!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th

Happy Birthday America!

We are currently experiencing 100 degree temperatures here in Illinois, so most of our 4th of July was spent indoors! We did brave the heat to meet my friend Meagan for breakfast this morning and for a few minutes this afternoon so I could snap a picture or two! Nate is working tonight, so after Jade goes to bed, I will spend the rest of my evening consoling Charcoal who is super afraid of fireworks! :)