Sunday, July 8, 2018

Summer Successes

Swimming Lessons

The girls both took 4 weeks of lessons (Monday through Thursday) last month! These were Jemma's first swimming lessons EVER and I'm so proud of her! She tried just about everything that was asked of her (minus going under water). Jade also excelled this year and is now running and jumping in and swimming several strokes unassisted. She is most confident when she can touch the bottom of the pool, so we're working on getting over the fear of the deep end still, but this is MUCH improvement for her! Here are a few videos of Jade!

Riding a Two-Wheeler

After a few days of balance practice and confidence boosting, Jade was off and riding her bike without training wheels! Here is a video from the first night she rode on her own!

Name Writing

One of my goals for Jemma this summer was for her to learn to write her name. We started with one letter a day, but by day 2 she decided she could already do it all. ;) Here is a sampling of her writing!

Losing Teeth

Just adding this here, Jade lost tooth #4 and #5 these past two Fridays! She looks adorable with that missing front tooth! The other front top tooth is loose too! Love her semi toothless smile!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of your bike riding and swimming Jadey!!! And good job writing your name Jemma! It looks great. :)
