Monday, April 13, 2015

Princess Party

Jade chose Disney Princesses for her birthday party theme this year. She loved all the cheesy princess decor & insisted on naming every princess on everything every time she saw it!

All setup and ready for the guests to arrive!

Lunch was baked mostacolli, french bread and a fruit salad of Jade's choosing (watermelon, strawberries and blueberries).

Jemma enjoyed some special snuggles with Grammy!

All of Jade's guests were beyond generous with their gifts! It's safe to say that all gifts were LOVED! The Baum family & GeeGee were unable to make it the party but sent along gifts for Jade to open (pictures included below)! Thank you! :)

Gorgeous (and delicious) cake from Jewel was served!


Playing her new Minnie Mouse Candyland from Great Grandpa Puzzello!

A big thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate Jade's 3rd birthday! We are beyond blessed!