Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My Girls

I've really been enjoying my time home during the day with the girls! We are starting to fall into a bit of a routine which has been nice! Jemma is finally starting to have more awake time during the day and loves to be held. Jade has become much more of an independent player. I enjoy my alone time with Jade in the mornings before Jemma gets up and my alone time with Jemma while Jade is napping!

Early morning sillies with my big girl!

Enjoying playing outside before it gets too cold!

Talking to me about the velcro on her shoes!

Love her!

Our time together often looks a lot like this!

Snoozin' with momma!

After her first bath!

Wide awake!


  1. Sweet pictures, Amanda. You are blessed. Looking forward to seeing all of you and meeting Jemma next month!

  2. You have beautiful girls! Love these pictures!
