Friday, August 1, 2014

Potty Training Week 2

Week two was definitely an improvement to week one! Jade is doing awesome and is starting to develop a "routine" (typical Jade). The last few days she has gone #1 on her potty after breakfast, before nap, after nap and before bath without too much prompting! She used the big potty at Culvers which was a major accomplishment! With her holding power, I feel pretty confident making park, store, and meal trips. So far we have done them all accident free! Jade is still working on her #2. This week we had two successful times on the potty, one accident and one time in her overnight diaper. 

Jade's feeling of accomplishment is too cute. I love hearing her jump up and shout "I did it." She also refuses to wear any undies other than Bubble Guppies. Minnie Mouse, Sofia and Disney Princesses were all shot down on our trip to Target to pick out some new pairs. Silly girl! :) 


  1. Aw, good job, Jade! Brings back memories of Summer yelling, "I went!". :)

  2. You're such a big girl Jade! We are so proud of you. :)
