Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Meal time

Meal time is probably Jade's favorite time of the day. I love watching this girl eat. She gets so excited and shovels the food into her mouth as if someone is going to take it. I just wanted to share a quick picture of Jade enjoying her hot dog and peas this evening for dinner!


  1. It is so true! I've never seen anyone so little enjoy food so much. She fits in our family well. :-) To watch her eat so many different things with so much enthusiasm and such focus is really amazing. With this kind of an appetite it won't be long before she is eating you guys "out of house and home." No waiting for the teen years!! :-)

  2. Aw, Sweet Jade, meal time is my favorite, too. :) As Grampy said, you fit into our family well. :) Looking forward to eating and playing with you next month. :)
