Wednesday, April 23, 2014


On Saturday our church put on an Easter egg hunt! We invited Grammy and Grampy to come with us and I think fun was had by all! There was coloring, refreshments, songs and an Easter message while the eggs were being hidden! They even had a cute picture spot and an Easter bunny walking around.

Family shot!

With Grammy and Grampy!!

A successful hunt!

On Sunday we went to church at 9:00 a.m. Jade did a great job sitting through the service (she is usually in her kid's program). When we got home Jade opened her Easter basket and we played outside for the rest of the morning! Jade also ate her first lunch of the season outside at her picnic table!

Big girl ready for church!

Excited about her Minnie Mouse camera!

Equally excited about her Reese's Egg!

After lunch we headed over to Nate's Aunt Nancy's house for the rest of the day! Jade caught about an hour long nap in the car before we went inside! I think all the candy she ate got her through the rest of the evening on such a short nap! :)

Jade had her very own Easter egg hunt!

Action shot!

Found one!

Ready to look inside her eggs!

Mama and Jade! 

Kisses for Daddy!!

More Easter basket treats!


  1. Looks like a wonderful Easter celebration!

  2. soooo many cute pictures!!! She looks so grown up in her Easter dress!
