July was a super fun and busy month for the girls! Here are some highlights!
Dollar store day! The girls each got to select 6 things from the dollar store with some money they earned selling some old toys! They spent the rest of the morning playing with their new stuff, most of which were crafting items!
They also had their first sister sleepover! We pulled Jemma's mattress off her bed and into Jade's room! It was so funny to hear them talking, Jade kept telling Jemma it was time to go to bed, and Jemma kept Jade up being silly! I just love the sweet relationship the girls have with each other, they are turning into the best of friends!
4th of July was a crazy and extremely hot day! Nate worked the night previous then again on the night of the 4th as well! He took a short nap in the morning and then we headed out to 2 different 4th of July gatherings at friend's houses! He might have gotten another 45 minutes of sleep before having to go to work for the night. :(
We did some mini fireworks and sparklers of our own at home on the night of the 5th! With Nate's schedule this year, it made it near impossible to catch a real firework display as a family.
I had my annual overnight to Milwaukee with my high school friends to see a County concert at Summerfest! This year was Blake Shelton, we had a blast! Nate held down the fort while I was gone!
Both girls had a week of "camp" in July! Jemma's was a Color camp at her preschool and Jade's was a Taste of Fine Art's camp at the affiliated church. I think Jemma's was primarily play based, but she did learn some things about color mixing! ;)
Jade got to select the electives she wanted to participate in during camp. She ended up doing music, cooking, dance and a craft! Each day she came home with some sort of food creation (as pictured below).
The following week was VBS for Jade! The theme was Shipwrecked, and she LOVED it! We have been listening to the soundtrack over, and over and over! Jemma missed the cutoff to attend by just a few weeks, so she and I had some fun of our own! Such as going to the Children's Museum with friend Makena and going to The Ball Factory together!
Just a few more pictures of the girls! I realized so many of my pictures are of Jemma and I think it's because every time we're outside, Jade is off riding her bike up and down the street! :)
(we each colored half the heart)
Jade was across the street riding bikes with some of the neighborhood boys! Me and Jemma hung out in front watching! I let the girls stay outside past 8 that night! We're usually the first ones in! ;)
(working on riding her tricycle, this is a very big step for her)
We also had a couple fun park stops!
This park was especially cool, it was just renovated this year and now has this really cool zip line swing! Never seen anything like it, but the girls LOVED it!
Whew! We rounded out July with our family vacation to Myrtle Beach! Another post on that coming soon!!
Awww!! Sister sleepovers are so fun! I remember dragging my mattress into your room!