Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Family Pictures

We had quite the time with our family pictures this year! Here are some of my favorites from our first session!


About a week or so after the session, the photographer contacted me and told me she wanted to redo our session! The girls were distracted, and she didn't get the great lighting she was hoping for due to an overcast day and losing light earlier than expected! So, we decided to give it another whirl! HOWEVER, upon arriving at the photo destination, Jade was stung by a bee below her eye approximately 15 seconds after getting out of the car. So, that made for quite the retake session. Regardless, she was a trooper and we were able to get some beautiful pictures!



  1. Wow, these are all amazing, Amanda! I love all of the pictures from both sessions! So sorry about Jade's bee sting. They are so aggressive this time of year. :(

  2. I love the dresses in the first one. I LOVE the lighting in the second shoot. WOW!!!

  3. So many good ones! Love Jemma's solo shot in the first batch and so many amazing ones in the second!
