Sunday, August 2, 2015

Jemma - 11 Months

Where oh where is the time going? How can my sweet baby girl be turning one in a month? Eek! 

Eleven things I want to remember about you at 11 months:

1. You learned to clap
2. Your favorite song is If You're Happy and You Know It
3. Your favorite foods are yogurt, macaroni and cheese, veggie sticks & graham crackers
4. You are obsessed with phones and remotes
5. Your chubby cheeks and big blue eyes attract attention everywhere you go
6. You pull to standing on everything and now cruise around it
7. You stayed overnight in a hotel for the first time, and did great
8. You can drink from a straw and have been enjoying smoothies 
9. You still have only 2 teeth
10. When given the opportunity you would climb the entire flight of stairs
11. Your favorite toys are the rock activity table, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse figurines and baby/cabbage patch dolls

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