Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Jemma - 10 Months

Ten things I want to remember about you at 10 months:

1. You have two teeth
2. You are constantly in motion and now crawl on all fours, very fast
3. You can pull yourself to standing and try to do so on just about anything you can reach
4. You tried and liked some new foods this month including pizza, spaghetti, green beans, peas and bananas
5. When not after Jade's toys, you love playing with your baby dolls & the play kitchen food and dishes
6. You are very vocal (screams and babbling) but no real words other than an occasional mama when you're sad
7. You love swinging at the park
8. You enjoy when I read books to you
9. You don't like getting dressed and roll over when getting your diaper changed
10. You still have the most beautiful blue eyes

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she's 10 months already!!!! Ahhh!!! She's seriously the cutest ❤️
