Friday, January 30, 2015

Jemma - 5 months

Sometimes I feel like it was just yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital. Somehow you are now just one month away from being halfway to your first birthday!

You have started showing significant interest in your toys this month. You love reading your soft books, chewing on sophie the giraffe and looking at your stuffed zebra that Jade brought you when you were born! You love grabbing at anything and everything. It makes me laugh when your foot touches Jade and she says "Jemma, don't kick me" or when you touch her arm and shes "Jemma, don't push me"!

You are starting to enjoy your tummy time more and more and you scream less and less. You are getting close to rolling over and sitting on your own. 

You are totally a mommy and daddy's girl. Being held by an unfamiliar face generally bring out your pouty lip and tears. Your sister adores you and whenever anyone asks what her baby sister's name is she sings a speical song..."Jemma, Jemma, Jemma Rose" :)

Happy 5 months sweet girl!