Saturday, October 11, 2014

Jade and Jemma Update

We were able to combine Jade's two and a half year and Jemma's one month checkup into one visit this week. Both girls checked out great and I loved saving a trip to the doctor's office.

Jade weighed 33.4 lbs and measured 37.5 inches tall (still rocking the 90th percentile for height and weight). She got to wear a gown for her checkup and had her flu shot in her nose, in the form of a spray. Eek, when did she get so old?? Jade also said goodbye to her nap/bedtime pacifier this week. She had a little trouble with it for the first nap, but has been doing great ever since! The Puppy Surprise she got in exchange didn't hurt either! ;)

Jemma weighed in at 9 lbs and measured 21.5 inches long. I can't remember where she fell for length, but is in the 26th percentile for weight. Not much has changed with Jemma since my one month post. She is giving us a 6-8 hour chunk of sleep most nights, has started to make cooing sounds and is a total sweetheart!


  1. Cuties!!! Jemma is such a doll. Good job saying good-bye to your paci, Jade!!! :)

  2. They are both so adorable! I love that Jemma totally has her own look. <3
