Monday, December 10, 2012

8 Months

Not much has changed in the last month! Jade is still go go go ALL the time, she still likes the same foods (with the addition of a new favorite, french fries), still takes the same naps, still only has two teeth, still has not said mama or dada, and is still a happy and easy-going baby!
For the last couple weeks she has no longer been army crawling and has consistently been crawling on her hands and knees! Also, when concentrating hard on something (usually a cell phone) she has stood on her own for several seconds! Here is a quick video of Jade crawling. Man, this girl is fast!!!


  1. You go Jade!!! I loved watching you crawl last weekend!! :) Cora loves your headband. :) Happy 8 months, pretty girl!

  2. Wow, she IS fast. Go, Jade! And, such a sweet smile. Can't wait to see her at Christmas!

  3. She is soooo cute!!! Can't wait to give her a big hug at Christmas!!!
