Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Jade's Baptism

I have finally collected enough photos to make my post about Jade's Baptism on July 1st! Thanks to Mom, Grandma, and Alison for capturing the day so beautifully!

The proud parents

Jade's Aunt and Godmother

 So special that GeeGee was able to make it! 

 The cooperative cousin, Rowan :)

Godparents (minus Roger)

 We chose Jeremiah 29: 11-13 for Jade's life verse

Reading Jade our prayer for her

 Being Baptized

All done
After the Baptism we had everyone over to our house for a cookout and cake! We had about 25 friends and family attend! This was by far the most people we have ever had over to our house at one time! We grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and had a variety of chips and a Chopped Salad from Portillos!
Jade's party outfit

Just hanging out

With Grammy and Grampy

A delicious Jewel Bakery cake

I was so excited for Jade to wear the same Baptism dress that my sister and I wore! Here is a picture of me in it and a picture of Jade in it! :)



  1. Looks like a beautiful day. Wish I could have been there!

  2. This was such a fun day, Mand! Jade looks so sweet! I love the picture of you, Jade and Rowan. Row wants a copy of that one for his room. :) Can't wait to see you guys soon.

  3. What beautiful pictures of a beautiful baby and a beautiful day!! So happy for all of you. Much love!

  4. What a special day!!! Jade looked just as beautiful in her baptism dress as her Mommy did 26 years ago! So proud of you Nate, Amanda & Jade!!!
