Tuesday, May 8, 2012

1 Month

Jade Marie is 1 month old!!!

Jade had her doctor's appointment today and checked out great! She weighed in at 9 lbs 9.5 oz! She is such a perfect baby and I love that we can take her anywhere! In her first month she has been out to several restaurants and Church and has done great each time!  She is starting to smile more and is able to follow objects with her eyes. We couldn't love her more!


  1. Good job on the pics!!!! She is so beautiful and really a fun mix of you and Nate! :) love you guys!

  2. Happy 1 month, sweet baby Jade!!! You are absolutely perfect in every way!!! Love you soooo much!!!

  3. Happy one-month to my great-niece, Jade!! Beautiful pictures! I see both Amanda and Nate in her! :)

  4. Amanda, she is aDORABLE!! I can't wait to meet her! Love that I can "watch" her grow on your blog! Thanks for posting!
