Tuesday, December 31, 2024


We kicked off the Christmas season with our traditional sushi dinner at Blue Sushi followed by looking at the downtown Naperville light displays.

We drove around Naperville to see the light displays at our favorite houses. Made a stop at McDonalds for fries and milkshakes as usual, too.

Christmas Eve was church and dinner at our usual go to Little Italian! We also had to leave out milk and cookies for Santa! (Can you tell we like traditions) :)

Christmas morning was a lot of fun and both girls were happy with their gifts! :)

 We spent that afternoon and evening at Nate's Aunt Nancy's house! Lots of good food and family fun was had by all!

The next day we headed to my parents house for our Christmas celebration with my sister's family!

The next day we got to celebrate my dad's retirement with a fun lunch at Pilot Petes!

We kicked off our final Christmas celebration with go-karts and time with Nate's parents!