With Christmas Eve falling on a Sunday this year, our church held services as normal and did not offer a Christmas Eve Evening service which we traditionally go to. We did however, enjoy our second annual Christmas Eve dinner at our favorite pizza place, Little Italian.
When we got home, the girls excitedly put out milk and cookies for Santa! Oh, and carrots for the reindeer, too!
Santa came!
Christmas Day tends to be a little hectic for us! Nate had to work on Christmas Eve, so we waited for him to get home to open presents! Some highlights for Jade were a big Art Set, Scooter and the Shopkins Grand Mansion. Some highlights for Jemma were a Doc McStuffins Baby Cece doll, a Peppa Pig house, and a play camper for her L.O.L. dolls.
Afterward, daddy got some sleep and the girls and I headed out for our first celebration of the day! We had a great afternoon of food and fun with my parents, my sister and her family, my Aunt Marianne and my Grandpa!
Next we headed to Nate's Aunt and Uncle's house for more food and fun! Nate was able to meet up with us there, before working again that evening! This is the only picture I managed to take the whole time we were there. Jade and Jemma with Nate's little cousin Michael!
The next day we headed to my parents house to celebrate with my mom and dad and my sister's family! It was so fun having everyone together, especially seeing all the cousins have such a blast with each other.
Our last celebration was on the 27th with the Obermayer extended family!
Whew, only 2 months late! Here's to keeping better updates going forward! ;)