Sunday, September 25, 2016

September Fun

We are totally ready for fall, but I'm definitely not ready for it to get dark earlier, and us to lose our evening play time outside!

Soaking up the last of our 80 degree days!

Princess Jade!

Loves riding her tricycle!

Sweet Jemmy!

Wants to be just like Jade!

This face!!! 

My beautiful big girl!

Selfie on the play fort!

Silliness with daddy!

This post just wouldn't be complete without a few of my final chalk drawings! ;)

Team Umizoomi!

Shimmer and Shine!

Lambie, Doc and Stuffy!

So long sweet summertime!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Starting School

We just completed week 3 of school, I can hardly believe it! 

Jade is loving her Pre-K class which meets Monday through Thursday from 8:30-11:30. She has two teachers, Ms. Jill and Ms. Kristina, who she has quickly become very fond of! They appear to have a very rigorous curriculum, and pack a lot into each day! Jade comes home wiped out most days.

Jemma has been doing so well in her PDO (Parents Day Out) class. She has a little trouble with the drop off, but quickly turns off the tears once she gets into class! She attends Wednesdays from 8:30-1. She has three teachers, Ms. Kathy, Ms. Karen and Ms. Beth. Her little voice saying her teachers name and telling me about her day is seriously the cutest.

Jade with her teacher Ms. Jill from her open house/meet the teacher day.

With her new tote bag! 

All ready for her first day! 

Cheese :)

Jemma's first day!

Her first report card!

Nate and I even managed a breakfast date! 

So good! The only thing that could have been better were the pesky bees, we ended up moving to a table inside.

Between pickup of Jade and Jemma on Wednesdays, there is an hour and a half, giving Jade and I a chance to do something fun together before we go back to pick up Jemma! So far we did the Library, a new park, and lunch at Portillos!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

End of Summer - Park Edition

We wrapped up the last weeks of summer by visiting lots of parks! Some were repeats, some were brand new and some were just ones we hadn't made it to yet this year! 

We ended up at Farmington Park - aka "The Blue Park" after finding the first park we walked to (Walnut Ridge - aka "Dark Green Park") had been torn down for renovation! ;)

Central Park in Downtown Naperville with Daddy while I was working! The girl give the best smiles for daddy! 

Knoch Knolls Park with Daddy!

Meadow Glens Park, right down the street from the Elementary school the girls will go to. This was a whole family park adventure!

We discovered Heritage Creek aka "Rainbow Park" and it became a favorite for us girls!

Last but not least, The O'Connor Residence Swing-set! :) 

What a fun end to summer!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

New Camera

As much as I love the convenience of cell phone pictures, I started feeling like there were so many instances in which I wished I had a good non cell phone camera! So, with the encouragement from Nate, I put my birthday money towards the purchase of our new camera. Nate did a lot of research and found us an awesome deal on the camera and accessories we wanted! I definitely have a lot to learn, but here are a few pictures I snapped today (my first day with the camera in use) just messing around with it!