It has been quite a month for Jemma! Her personality and interests are really starting to develop! She LOVES baby dolls and spends a lot of time pushing the stroller around and taking various babies in and out of it. She is starting to sit and pay attention to a t.v. show, specifically if it is Bubble Guppies or Paw Patrol.
She is a now a full time walker and finally learned how to get to standing on her own without having to scoot over to something to pull herself up on. She is also quite the talker! She has a pretty big vocabulary (mama, dada, baby, Jade, cheese, please, ducky, puppy, doggy, bye, box, bow, remote (mote), chair, car, cup, bottle (baba), Minnie (ninnie). She also knows a dog says "arf" and a cat says "meow", she repeats a lot of things she hears and says some made up words that Jade thinks are hilarious! The most current made up word is bop-e. We are still trying to figure out what it means! :)
Happy 14 Months big girl!