Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Jemma - 13 Months

Lots has been going on with Jemma this month! She is becoming a lot more vocal, she is getting more teeth (including molars) & walking or attempting to walk about 50% of the time! She is still a great eater and sleeper and seriously the happiest and most easy going girl! Her giggle, her smile & her cuddles bring so much joy to my life EVERY day!

Happy 13 months little Jemmy! 

Monday, September 28, 2015

End of Summer

Sad to see summer go, but we are definitely looking forward to all the fun things in the upcoming months! The weather has been beautiful and we have taken full advantage of it!

Park time!

Fun being the center of attention when Jade is at school!

Hanging with daddy! 


Chalk. Jade's favorite things to draw are people and shapes.

"Riding bikes"

Playing in the playhouse in the backyard!

Loving school!

Wearing our summer clothes, one last time!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Jemma Learning to Walk

Slow but steady, little Jemmy is learning to walk! She still prefers scooting on her bottom using her arm but is definitely making walking progress!

First steps (three) were taken on September 4th!

First documented (and longest consecutive) steps were taken on September 22nd!

Progress! She is up to about 13 steps at a time! Video from September 25th!

Go Jemma, Go!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Annual Apple Picking Day

We had a great day visiting Great Grandpa and lunch and apple picking with Grammy. Just like last year, the day we chose for picking was quite warm! Jade had a blast wanting to do EVERYTHING and Jemma enjoyed eating her first big apple!

Jade by the entrance sign & map!

Grammy and her girls!

Didn't take long for Jemma to get the hang of it. Although shortly after this picture, all she was interested in was eating her apple. 

Pretty girl is an apple picking pro!

I tired so hard to get a good sister picture, this was the best I could get!

Although there was also this sweet moment! <3

Until next year!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Jade starts Preschool

Jade's first week of preschool is in the books and she LOVED it! She hopped out of the car in the drop off line and went right in! She was so excited to finally be able to play on the playground, however it rained the first day of school so they were confined to the gym. Pretty sure she thought that was pretty cool too... it was the first thing she said to me when I picked her up!

It was so fun picking her up at the end of the day and hearing all about it! Her recollection of the day was pretty accurate when compared to the weekly recap newsletter her teacher sent out! Today we discovered a girl from Jade's class takes gymnastics at the same gym! Looking forward to week 2!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

One Year Stats

Jemma had her 1 year checkup today! Little chunk weighed in at 22.8 lbs (90th percentile) and measured 29 inches tall (50th percentile). She got to stand on the big kid scale, which she thought was pretty fun! What she didn't think was so fun were her three shots and finger prick! Luckily she made a speedy recovery!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Preschool Open House

Yesterday we got to see Jade's classroom and meet her teacher and fellow classmates! Jade will be attending preschool two days a week (Tuesday & Thursday) from 8:30 until 1:00 beginning next Tuesday! She will not eat lunch at school, so a "late lunch" will be a bit of an adjustment for her!

Jade with her new tote bag! This will be what she uses for her backpack all year!

There was a scavenger hunt set up for the kids to help them locate the sink, bathroom, calendar, have their picture taken, etc. Afterward they were able to play at the various stations set up within the classroom!

Jade's teacher this year will be Ms. Lori! There is also an assistant teacher in the classroom, Ms. Pam! Both seem super sweet, and Jade liked them!

Jade is really looking forward to her first day, and I know she will go right in without any hesitation. It's gonna be awfully quite around the house! :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Jemma - One Year

Twelve things I want to remember about you at 12 months:

1. You have 3 teeth (two on the bottom and one on top)
2. You hold my phone out in front of your face and say "cheese"
3. You can stand unassisted and are so close to taking a step
4. You love Bubble Guppies and say "bu bu" when they come on
5. You go to bed at 8 and are up by 7:30
6. You love being in the water
7. 90% of the time you are awake you are holding something. Sometimes you eat an entire meal one handed because you don't want to let go of what you are holding
8.  You still have a bottle before bed, but also drink milk happily from a sippy cup
9. You love your puppy paci, and have no interest in any other paci
10. You love to eat pretty much everything
11. You are now riding in a big girl car seat
12. I love your snuggles, smiles, laughs & silliness. The list goes on and on! :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, One Year Old Is What You Are

I had a blast planning and decorating for Jemma's Twinkle Twinkle Little Star party, and made a lot of the decorations myself!

Jemma was completely spoiled by everyone and received so many wonderful presents! Thank you so much to all our very generous family and friends!

Quick wardrobe change before her cake smash! Not a surprise, Jemma LOVED her cake! This also provided the perfect opportunity to snap some pictures of the guests with the Birthday girl!

While Jemma was chowing on that delicious cake, the rest of us enjoyed these beautiful cupcakes!

Such a fun day celebrating Jemma! Happy Birthday beautiful girl!