Monday, November 24, 2014

Kid Update

Things have been busy around the house, and I realized it has been quite a while since I updated the blog! I have been loving my last few weeks of being home everyday! We have also been enjoying daddy's last few weeks working day shift. Beginning in December he switches back to the dreaded afternoon shift (3 p.m. - 11 p.m.).  But enough about that. Here is a little kid update!

Jade successfully completed her 2nd potty chart and enjoyed a fun lunch at the All Aboard Diner! She had macaroni, fruit and of course ice cream!

Jade has been asking a lot about school and indicating she should like to go. I think this would be so wonderful for her! Good thing I started looking into it now. Who knew you had to register for next year in just a few weeks!?! We toured a Lutheran Preschool last week, and Jade and I both loved it. I'm praying there will be an opening for her to attend next year!

Jemma had her follow up weight check about a week and a half ago. She gained 1 pound exactly in the two weeks between visits. The doctor was pleased with that and expressed no other concerns. We now wake Jemma up around 5:00 a.m. for an extra feeding that she was "missing" before. Little angel usually goes right back to sleep for us until around 7:30.
Jemma continues to be a dream baby. While this doesn't happen as often anymore, as I usually put her down for her naps, she still finds comfort in holding my hair. Melts my heart every time. :)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Jemma's Baptism

Jemma Rose - Baptized November 2, 2014

Happy Baptism Day Jemma!!

Jemma's Godparents!

With mom and dad!

With her big sister!

We chose 1 Timothy 4:12 for her life verse.

Being Baptized!

Grammy and Grampy with the girls!

All the girls!

 With Nate's Family!

After the Baptism we had everyone back to our house for lunch and cake! Such a perfect and blessed day!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Jade Happenings

Potty Chart: For weeks Jade had been consistently waking up dry from her nap. It seemed to be shortly after taking way her pacifier that she started slipping, and began going in her pull-up during nap. So, since I knew she was capable of staying dry, we instituted a potty chart. Jade could earn 1 sticker each time she woke up dry in the morning or 1 sticker each time she woke up dry from her nap. It didn't take her long to collect 10 stickers and a trip to Chuck E. Cheese! We are now on our second potty chart. This time she can earn 2 stickers by staying dry overnight (this happened for the first time last night) 1 sticker for staying dry during nap, and 1 sticker for going on the big potty rather than her little potty. This time there are 20 spaces needed for a trip to the All Aboard Diner restaurant.

Jade with her completed potty chart, ready to go to Chuck E. Cheese!

Pretty happy about all the junk fun stuff she got! ;)

Speech: Jade's speech has continued to blossom. She talks ALL the time and is starting to become more understandable to people other than me! :) She has known all her letters for a long time but has recently shown an interest in the alphabet song. Here is Jade's version! :)

Couldn't be more proud of this girl and the wonderful big sister she is becoming!


Two words to sum up Halloween in Illinois this year, cold and windy. Nate got stuck at work and wasn't able to make it home in time to get the kids ready or trick or treat with us. So I bundled the kids up and braved the cold alone. Jade was a trooper and kept wanting to go to more houses while Jemma was able to get a good nap in the stroller despite 20+ mph winds! 

The cutest bumblebee I've ever seen!

The bumblebee's little flower! 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Jemma - 2 Months

Jemma turned 2 months old on Thursday and visited the doctor for her checkup on Friday! Sweet girl is a little peanut weighing only 9 lbs 11.5 oz and measuring 22 inches! The doctor was a little concerned with her weight gain from her last appointment, so we go back for a weight check in 2 weeks. We think Jemma's easy going nature (rarely cries indicating hunger) and sleeping through the night so early have made her food intake less than she probably needs to pack on the pounds! The doctor had no other concerns with her at all, which was great to hear!

Jemma is a total doll! She gives the biggest smiles and has the sweetest coos! She hardly ever cries, and can instantly be soothed just by holding her and gently bouncing! She's not on a formal nap schedule yet, I'm still enjoying lots of snuggles during the day! Her long naps are usually in the car seat if we are out and about in the morning and in the swing in the late afternoon! She has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks, but we are now waking her for an extra feeding overnight. Luckily she goes back to sleep very quickly!

We just love this little angel to pieces. Happy 2 months sweet girl!