Thursday, July 31, 2014


At my 32 week appointment my doctor said I was measuring a cm big and that she wanted to send us for an ultrasound to check the size of the baby, which was totally fine with me! It was great to see that everything was okay, that she was still a girl and that she was already approximately 5 lbs 3 oz. She wasn't cooperating much for pictures, she kept her hands over her face the whole time the doctor tried to get a 3D shot. But i thought this one of her little nose and mouth was just too cute not to share!

I think Jade is starting to understand what is happening. She knows sissy is in my tummy and that we go to the doctor to check on her. When she sees an ultrasound picture, she knows it's her sissy and as of late, has even asked for her to come out and come home! :) I can't believe our due date is just over a month away. We can't wait to meet you, Jemma Rose!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Potty Training

I've decided that i'm either extremely crazy to begin potty training at 33 weeks pregnant, or just really ambitious. I'm leaning more towards crazy! :)

Jade is off to a really good start. Her first full day of training began on Friday where she successfully went both #1 and #2 on the potty, however did have a few accidents. On Saturday, we were out of the house most of the day, so unfortunately she had to spend most of the day in a diaper. I got a little frustrated at her on Saturday evening after she sat on the potty for 30+ min without going, and then had an accident immediately after getting up. This however seemed to be the biggest turning point in her journey so far because since then, she has hardly had an accident and is doing a great job self initiating her trips to the potty! She is now telling us she has to go prior to actually going!

She is super afraid of a regular sized potty, so going in public places without a diaper isn't quite an option yet. She does continue to tell me when she has to go even when she has a diaper on, which is a good sign! She is also still wearing a diaper for nap time and bedtime but has woken up dry a few times. We definitely have a long way to go, but I'm so proud of Jade and what she has already accomplished!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Daddy's Girl

The relationship that Nate has with Jade is so fun and so sweet! She totally adores her daddy and her time with him! Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks of Nate and Jade happenings!

I got a little taste of what goes on when I'm not home one afternoon! :)

Being silly at the park!

Giraffe watching at the zoo!

Fun daddy daughter date to Whalon Lake for a little nature walk and flower picking!